So yesterday I got really hooked (for some reason) on Rock Mafia's 'The Big Bang'.
I think I heard it like 5 times in a row. I was dancing weirdly trying (which is the main word in this sentence) to sing along and celebrating that I felt better after a day with illness.
You should have seen me. You would have laughed!
So here it is. I just wanna make you happy - and this song makes me happy :D (see really HAPPY :D :D )
Rock Mafia: The Big Bang
What a lovely song, huh? ;)
Maybe it has something to do with the gorgeous Kevin Zeegers <3 (playing Alec in The Mortal Instruments City of Bones)
Tonight I'm going out with some of the best girls in the world. We are gonna have dinner at a nice restaurant and then we'll go watch the new Twilight movie. GIRLS NIGHT OUT. It's gonna be a BIG bang (not literally)
XOXO Emily